This rod is built on a Phenix S700M blank. It has a prickly pear cactus butt with an inlaid scorpion over South Padre sand. The scorpion is a tribute to a bay house that gets regular visits from the little devils!!
Keith and I decided to fish the tarpon division of TIFT in his new Panga. It was a fun weekend of fishing, but we had a heartbreak on friday morning... There were no tarpon caught in the tournament, and we had one on for 4 jumps before we lost it at the boat.... Other than that we had a couple other tarpon bites and jumped one more off on saturday morning. It was tough fishing, and the bite pretty much turned off after the sun came up... I also caught a real nice snook on friday morning. On thursday before the tourney, I went out to the first rig with Lance Hale and his friend from PI, Keith. We caught some really nice barracuda on slow trolled ribbonfish. Here's some pics...